Dr. Matta has over 30 years of experience in dealing with men’s health. Some of the common concerns that men have include hair loss, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, sports related injuries to name a few.
At DM Cosmetic and Wellness Centre, we are able to help our clients with each of the above issues. Some of the ways that we address these concerns are:
Hair Loss: PRP, nutritional supplements
Weight gain: Dr. Ranieri, Naturopath, is able to help clients achieve their goals; providing dietary recommendations that suit the individual
Erectile dysfunction: While diet and exercise will always help improve function, we also have shockwave, PRP and Botulinum injections (off label). We understand that these are delicate matters to discuss, so when booking a consultation, one can simply advise us that they are interested in Men’s Health. Dr. Matta performs the procedure.
Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a regular sports guy, it’s not uncommon to get some form of injury. Anything from rotator cuff tendonitis to low back strain. Dr. Matta has been providing shockwave therapy for over 10 years with tremendous success.